What is Charlotte Mason Homeschooling?
Are you searching for a homeschool method that fosters a love for learning while nurturing your child’s natural curiosity? The…
Are you searching for a homeschool method that fosters a love for learning while nurturing your child’s natural curiosity? The…
Are you curious about the different homeschooling styles and which category you fall into? There are so many factors that…
Creating a homeschool schedule might be one of the most important things you do as a homeschool parent. Let’s dive into the unique characteristics of a Charlotte Mason homeschooling schedule with examples and tips for creating your own.
Do you have a ton of ideas for your homeschool? Wondering how to fit it all in? Join us for a webinar with Ana of Charlotte Mason Inspired to learn how to schedule the feast of subjects!
Your homeschool lessons don’t have to be boring! In this workshop, you’ll learn how to add various “spices” to elevate your kids’ learning to a rich and tasteful feast with Ana of Charlotte Mason Inspired.