88% of children leave the faith.
What are you doing to equip your kids?
Effective discipleship is more than just Sunday School and homeschooling, it's active participation in the race of faith in your home that propels kids into a deep desire to know God for themselves.
See what Katie has to say about FFBA.
Family Faith-Building Academy
What if you could transfer your faith to your children and feel confident they'd never want to turn away from it?
Did you know?
- Research indicates 30-88% of children raised in Christian homes who regularly attend church still leave the faith by early adulthood–and an alarming percentage never return to their faith.1
- One of the primary reasons youth abandon the Christian faith is because they never personally owned their faith.2
- 35-42 million youths raised in Christian homes will depart from their faith over the next 30 years..3
So what are the majority of Christian parents doing wrong? Why aren't more kids embracing the faith they were raised with? And what can YOU do to change it for your own children?