Charlotte Mason Mini-Collection
BLOG Series

Explore an array of resources that will uplift, inspire, and empower your homeschooling experience.
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check out the mini-Collection!
“A morning in which a child receives no new ideas is a morning wasted.” – Charlotte Mason
We've partnered with Charlotte Mason Inspired to bring you an amazing Mini-Collection full of great material to use in your own homeschool! With over 15 contributors and 20+ resources, we know your home schoolhouse will be full of new ideas and delightful mornings!

October 25 at 2 PM CST
Live Kid's Class
Come and join me for a hands-on and engaging hour of math. How can math help you win Monopoly? How could I make a cake using just one measuring cup? How can math help you fence in your garden? We’ll discover all of this and more.

OctobeR 30 at 2 PM CST
Parent Workshop
Your homeschool lessons don’t have to be boring! In this workshop, you’ll learn how to add various “spices” to elevate your kids’ learning to a rich and tasteful feast. You’ll also get practical ideas to capture the heart of your child and help him or her fall in love with learning in a fresh new way!

November 1 at 2 PM CST
Parent Workshop
Join Ana as she digs into your weekly homeschool schedule. In this workshop, you’ll learn practical steps for teaching all the subjects and more, through implementing Charlotte Mason’s concept of spreading a feast of ideas.
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Hebrew for Homeschoolers Family Class : Intro to Hebrew with Ana Willisfrom They Call Me Blessed
Do you have a ton of ideas for your homeschool? Wondering how to fit it all in? Join us for a webinar with Ana of Charlotte Mason Inspired to learn how to schedule the feast of subjects!

What is Charlotte Mason Homeschooling?
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Different Homeschool Styles Explained – What type of homeschooler are you?
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Get the clarity and confidence you need to homeschool effectively.
Homeschool Resource Co. is here to help you through every stage of your homeschool journey. By providing an amazing selection of budget-friendly resources, to sharing our hearts and homes in our webinars, we love being able to walk alongside you!
Why Charlotte Mason?
The belief in cultivating homes and other places of learning that feed the mind, body, soul, and spirit as whole parts.
Delivering a balanced and well-rounded education will produce children who are whole persons, as well as educated.
Stimulating curiosity through material that allows for self-education in all aspects of growth from child to adult.